Butterfly Queen - By Katie Reider (click play to listen)
On June 27, 2008, just before leaving for vacation, Katie received word that the MRI she had revealed FURTHER SHRINKAGE of the tumor....in fact so much that the tumor appears to be 95-97% GONE.
While they thought they had progress with the major shrinkage of Katie's tumor, there have been some major complications. While on vacation in Bethany Beach, Delaware over the 4th of July Holiday, Katie had some bleeding from her mouth. Apparently the tumor shrunk so much, that it partly dislodged causing Katie to severely hemorrhage from a major artery in her brain.
After being taken to a local hospital to get the bleeding under control, Katie was sedated and put into a medically induced paralysis. She was then airlifted to a more-well equipped hospital in Wilmington Delaware where she underwent 3 hours of surgery to stop the potentially fatal bleeding all together. From this point Katie had to be transported her back to her doctors in New York City as soon as possible.
Here is a detailed account of information sent in from Katie’s family about Katie’s experience.
Sunday June 29th, 2008
Around 8am while hanging out at the house at Bethany Beach Katie began to suddenly bleed a little bit from her mouth. This had happened once before almost exactly 1 year to the date and when it happened a year ago it just stopped and didn't happen again, so no one seemed to worry about it.
When the bleeding stopped the first time that morning everyone thought..huh?...interesting...and went on with the day. So, Katie sat around for a while and decided to eat a big lunch. After lunch Katie started bleeding again...this time...the tumor came out…
While inspecting the tumor, she couldn't believe she was holding it. Katie decided that she just wanted to flush it - leaned over to flush it down the toilet and WAMO the bleeding started again and this time didn't stop.... it became so bad that she started to choke on her own blood.
Katie was taken to a local hospital where they intubated her (put a tube down her throat to breathe for her) and were able to stop the bleeding. Katie was immediately sedated and airlifted via helicopter to a bigger more well equipped hospital an hour and a half north to Wilmington, Delaware where they had to put her into medically induced paralysis and perform emergency surgery to stop the bleeding.
The hospital there believed that the bleeding was coming from a major artery in Katie's brain and were working to find the source of the bleeding and to stop it. If Katie were to start to bleed again it would be fatal.
At 10pm that night Katie was fully sedated in a medically induced paralysis and put on machines that were breathing for her. The surgery was schedule at 11PM and was to take approx 6-8 hours....and we wait….

Monday June 30th
Last nights procedure to stop the bleeding began at about 11PM and seems to have been successful, yet Katie remains totally sedated and in the forced paralysis. Concerns remain that the bleeding could start again should she move.
Doctors in Wilmington didn’t know if they were fully able to stop the source of the bleeding, but they did fix a number of blood vessels that seemed to be ruptured. The problem was that no doctor was willing to take the packing out of her mouth/head... for fear that she'll bleed again.
This evening, just as visiting hours were ending, doctors decided that a tracheotomy would be performed tomorrow while she's on stand by for the OR. This will help Katie breathe more comfortably and will be safer for her transport to NYC, which is also scheduled to happen tomorrow morning. Katie will be helicopter airlifted to New York City where her own team of doctors can attend to her.
Tuesday July 1st 2008
Today Katie is still heavily sedated and medically paralyzed. Doctors don't want her coughing or moving anything for fear that bleeding will start up again. HOWEVER with all of that said, despite all the drugs, Katie is fully aware of what's going on...she nodes when asked questions...she can tell you by raising her eyebrows what level of pain she's in if any, so while it's nice to know she's in there...and comfortable - we don’t know what she's thinking. Visiting hours in the ICU are from 11am – 8pm. She must be going mad just laying there...she cries sometimes...but for the most part she seems ok...
Right now we are hoping that we can transport her by air from Delaware to NYC first thing tomorrow morning, but it has been difficult to get the insurance company to approve her transport to New York. Katie is aware, she doesn't open her eyes...but she does nod...and respond with her eyebrows. They're currently putting in the tracheotomy...she's in the OR and hopefully should be finished any minute....
Wednesday July 2nd 2008
No problems putting in the trach yesterday, but Katie is still in Delaware as the hospital and/or the insurance company have been dragging their feet in approving her transport to New York. Today is Day 4 in the Wilmington hospital, tomorrow is the earliest she can go.
Katie is comfortable, but they are worried about infections from leaving the "packing" in that originally stopped the bleeding on Sunday. She’s in the ICU…she’s conscious and can communicate. Tonight Karen has to leave Delaware to meet Katie's dad Rob in New Jersey – where they will both meet Katie in New York tomorrow afternoon.
Thursday July 3rd, 2008
Today is FINALLY the day that Katie will be transported from Wilmington, Delaware, back to Beth Israel hospital in New York City.
It’s been difficult dealing with some of the staff in Wilmington at the hospital there. Only nurses - no doctor - have seen Katie in more than 24 hours and there was concerned that the packing put into Katie’s mouth needed to be checked for fear of infection. No one at Wilmington wanted to do that because an additional procedure might have to be performed if the bleeding were to start again. They were between a rock and a hard place. - it made things much more critical that Katie be transported back to New York as soon as possible.
Karen has been through the ringer – emotionally - and very diligent in not letting things slip through the cracks and finally got the authorizations completed, so that U.S. Air Ambulance could send their medical and flight crew to Wilmington to get Katie. Arrival time is expected to be 4PM. Katie will be admitted to the surgical ICU and then her doctors will be making decisions as to how to proceed at that time.
Friday July 4th, 2008
Katie arrived at Beth Israel hospital in New York City Thursday at about 8:10PM after traffic in the Washington, D.C. area held up the flight and medical crews.
Doctor David Culang took a look at Katie and wanted to get at least part of the gauze packing out of her mouth. She desperately wanted that junk out. It tasted horrible and was getting very nasty. He started to get a bit out but found that it all came out without a problem or any bleeding starting. That was a major happening for the evening.
Katie’s pain is being managed and she’s trying to get some sleep. Things are going well, she is doing ok and able to communicate. They hope to schedule a surgery sometime later in the week. Katie is indeed a trouper - we have all been amazed at Katie’s continued, “let’s get her done” attitude.
Wednesday July 9th, 2008
Since Friday - Katie is doing alright...not great but alright.
The results of the chemotherapy and steroids have caused a significant thinning of the tissue on the left side of her face. A hole in her cheek has opened up. That’s been difficult for Katie - it’s just not a pretty sight. She now has about a quarter sized hole in the left side of her cheek. The skin in her cheek has just worn so thin, that a few nerve endings are exposed - so that causes her some significant pain. She has also lost a significant amount of weight from not being fed for a while in Delaware, down to 86lbs....
SO the doctor is going to put off the next surgery until August 4th and then it will be a big one...
They are going to do a total clean out of any dead tumor that they can reach, so Katie doesn’t have another bleeding episode. This tumor that came out of Katie has eaten away at so much of the left side of her face that Katie no longer has half of her upper palate (roof of her mouth). She has nothing for her tounge to hit up against to speak clearly and a huge cavity on the inside of her head.
During surgery they'll replace the skin on her face with skin from her belly...and they will craft her a new upper palate to her mouth from muscle and tissue in her belly. It will be a 6 hour surgery and recovery is 10 days in the hospital, so she'll need to use these 2 weeks to bulk up and recover...
In the meantime, Katie expects to be released today and will come home, tracheotomy and all until the surgery, which Katie is facing with a great deal of courage. Friends and family have been at Katie’s side and we’re grateful for that.
There has been continued pain, but the physicians tasked with its management have been very helpful.
Sunday July 13th, 2008
It's 11:15PM Sunday, Eastern time and Katie has started to bleed again - like she did two Sundays ago. She's being transported to a local New Jersey hospital so they can stop the bleeding.
I'd ask that you pray for the bleeding to stop and that the physicians in the emergency room treat her well and effectively.
It's my hope that she'll be able to be transported to Beth Israel as soon as possible so that Katie's team can be working on her.
Monday July 14th,2008 - 12:50AM
Karen said that the doctors were able to stabilize her and are putting in gauze packing - again - to keep bleeding to a minimum. As soon as Dr. Urken can make arrangements for her admittance, Katie will be transported tonight to Beth Israel hospital back in New York City.
It took a while for the doctors to stabilize Katie and Karen was very concerned - as we all are.
The bleeding started after a cough - as soon as it started, Karen called 911 and Katie went right to the kitchen, grabbed a big cooking pot, and went to the bottom of the stairs to await the paramedics. She knew that it would be very difficult for them to work on her in their second floor apartment and move her on a stretcher down the steep flight of stairs. She remained conscious throughout the ordeal. Once again, Katie is a trouper.
We're trusting that God does, indeed, have a plan for her life!
Monday July 14th,2008 - 7:00AM
While in the ambulance en route to Beth Israel hospital in New York City this morning, shortly before 7:00am Katie's fight came to an end.
Katie had had a very tough week - when she wasn’t sleeping she was crying. She had become extremely weak, her weight had gone down to 86 pounds, and had the hole in her cheek that really scared her. Karen said that Katie at some point had said, “I’m done.”
Friends and family are rallying around Karen and the kids so for the short term they’ll be OK.
Services for Katie Reider will be held Saturday, July 26 at 11 a.m. at Crossroads Community Church, 3500 Madison Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45209. This is definitely open to the public. Please come celebrate Katie and pass the word on.

Katie Reider Says Goodbye here - http://www.500kin365.org/katiegoodbye.htm
I had the pleasure of meeting Katie a few times while she was in Columbus. I am at a loss for words at the news of her passing. She was an incredibly giving and truly amazing person. Her music is inspiring and I'm sure it has touched many lives as it did my own. My thoughts and prayers go out to her family, she will truly be missed by all who had the pleasure of hearing her voice.
Blessings to Karen, the boys...her whole family & family of friends.
~~ "When you are sorrowful, look again in your heart, and you shall see that, in truth, you are weeping for that which has been your delight." Kahlil Gibran
I was never lucky enough to meet Katie but her story and strength have truly touched my life. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
God just wanted to hear her sing again. Was great growing up with her, I feel as though i was just sucker punched in the gut. Damn.
Heaven's a little richer, Earth a little poorer.
“You are not a human being in search of a spiritual experience. You are a spiritual being immersed in a human experience.” - Teilhard de Chardin
I never had the privilege of meeting you Katie, but your story has reminded me how precious life is. Thank you.
I met Katie through her support of Camp Sunrise and have followed her journey through the various websites and blogs. I am so sorry for your family's loss. I hope it is some comfort that so many people were touched by her talent, love, and compassion.
She will be sorely missed and your family is in my thoughts during this difficult time.
James R Carter
Camp Sunrise volunteer
Katie is an inspiration and I feel priveledged to have walked the Earth during the same time she did.
My prayers are with her family.
The music world is at a loss today. Thank you for sharing your amazing talent with us. You will be truly missed.
I have an ache in my heart that no words can describe.
My most favorite song of Katie's is Forever. She would dedicate it to me every time I attended one of her shows. FOREVER IS WHERE SHE WILL REMAIN IN MY HEART. My best to Karen and the boys. Much love, Mary B.
I've never met a kinder human being in my life. Katie will always be in my thoughts, & my heart aches for her & for Karen & the boys. Even a month ago, Katie sent me a card saying she wished so bad that she could do something to help others, even while going through all of this & not being able to speak. She said she was blessed by all the help & prayers folks have given for her & how much it meant to her. I love you always Katie. Your kind, loving spirit & songs will live on. xosuzie
My heart goes out to you. My prayers go up for you. I can't put it into words. We love you Katie and someday I will tell Levi about you. Please keep an eye on him for me. Be his guardian angel.
(we met through myspace btw)
Such tragic news. My thoughts and prayers go out to Katie and her friends and family. We never met, but we played some of the same shows. No one ever had anything but wonderful things to say about her. Rest in peace...
It's been YEARS since my family has been touch with Katie and her family...we lived nearby in Cincinnati and went to Sycamore HS with Rob. What a wonderful family and our hearts ache today as I heard the news...We wish for peace and love for you all in the coming days, months, years...Love, The Martin family (Kelly, Erica, Paul, Rusty and Tegie)
What an amazing loss. Katie's family and friends will be in my thoughts.
I just don't want to believe it. My heart goes out to Katie's family and friends. We lost a good one.
God Bless her family and friends. Her music will live on. May you find Peace, Love and Blessings in the coming months.
Peace in Music,
I don't want to believe it-I was just recently introduced to Katie's voice & her story & I was so deeply touched. It seemed like things were starting to turn around...
What a tragic loss.
I am so deeply sorry. Katie's family and loved ones are in my thoughts.
Katie is an incredible person and I'm so very sad to hear this news. I have many memories of Katie and Karen that I will always treasure. My prayers are with Karen, their boys, and Kate's family. I'm honored to have been friends with her.
Much love, Tina
such horrible, sad news. while i didn't know katie well, i had met and talked with her several occasions, in every single interaction i had with her i found her to be sweet, charming, cheerful and happy...simply a beautiful person. honestly, i always remember seeing her smiling, which is how i'll remember her. and so talented and gifted.
my heartfelt condolences and best wishes to katie's family and loved ones. she fought the brave and good fight against this horrible disease...
My heart breaks for Katie's family.
I can still see a 14 year old Katie sitting on a bunk at SB2W playing her guitar and singing during rest time.
Love you, Katie... and your songs and spirit will remain with me forever.
to the reider family,
you are in my prayers.
Rest now Katie, your fight is over. You will be missed. I can't stop listening to "Her Song." "So let this be her legend, let this be her voice. Let this be her vision, let this be her choice. To remain as we knew her, strong and poised. As the one we loved."
Your legend lives on and we will never forget you. GODSPEED Katie.
Thoughts and prayers out to Katie's family, Karen and her children. Hearts are heavy today after hearing of your loss. She lives on through her music and her memory will live on with all whom she has touched.
Farewell for now, my Courageous Comrade. Heaven has welcomed another Angel and its choir has been blessed with another sweet voice.
I was introduced to Katie, by my dear friend Sally a few years back. Sally took so many wonderful photos of Katie at the concerts, and captured her spirit completely. My little grandson once played a toy accordian in front of Katies stage at Comfest. Katie just beamed, smiled at him, while he played and danced along. She loved children, she sang to so many children besides us adults. She spoke of her partner Karen, and her boys, sang songs she had written for them. She was always smiling, always positive, always a delight to watch, and a perfect voice to listen to. We hoped she'd be with us a long while. My love goes out to her family, her partner Karen, her boys. May she keep spreading her love over us, from above. We shall NEVER forget Katie, never could. We will always have her music, and keep her true loving spirit going forever. Rest in peace beautiful womyn.
Katie has had a great impact on many. My daughter Rain, a budding performer, benefited greatly through her friendship and mentoring at the Girlz Rhythm 'n Rock camp.
Such a beautiful and generous spirit..definitely someone to emulate.
Sending thoughts of Peace and Love to all of Katie's family and loved ones.
I had the honor of meeting Katie at the 2nd Annual Stupid Cancer Gala in NYC on June 19th. She was an extraordinary beacon of courage and I, too, am at a loss for words at this tragic news. Her creative legacy will live on through our music advocacy projects as we are humbled to be a carrier of her life's passion.
Matthew Zachary
I'm Too Young For This! Cancer Foundation
I also had the pleasure of working with Katie on several Cammy Award shows in Cincinnati. Her laughter, and beautiful voice will never be forgotten.
I have all her CD's and feel extra lucky to have them autographed. She touched my life and will remain very special to me for many reasons. She always had a way of making you feel like she was singing right to you...I will miss her. God bless her family and friends.
Your music will play forever in our hearts, Katie. We'll miss you, but know you're in a much better place now. Our thoughts are with your family... we love you.
The world is a lot less melodic today.
I am numb at the loss of a friend and musical colleague. Her songs have touched me and for that I am forever greatful. My heart goes out to her family. Katie will always be an inpiration for me.
although i have been out of touch over the past several years, i think of both katie and karen as dear, precious friends. the kind of people i would feel the most comfortable with on this earth. heart people. sincerely caring and heart-warming folks. hands down, the salt of the earth. i have always loved katie's songs and spunky personality, but most of all, i love katie for her down-to-earth charm. i can remember going with katie to the fourth-of-july fireworks on the river several years ago. i can remember some of the most healing conversations over coffee at perkins with katie over 10 years ago. she will be forever remembered as a beautiful woman both inside and out. my heart is sad to see her leave this earth too soon, but my heart is also at peace knowing she is will never suffer again. my love and prayers go out to karen and the rest of katie's family.
Many years ago I was a parent and coach at Cinti. Hills Christian Academy and got to know Abbey, Katie's sister, I remember many of my conversations with Abbey about her family. This family is special and Gods light shown through them in many ways. Abbey once told me about her little brother being saved and how touching it was to know that they would all be together in eternal life, for all her siblings had made a decision for God - she teared up and I teared up - it was beautiful! I lost a infant son that year and Katie sang a song that lifted my spirits and gave me comfort - she touched many and knew how to let her light shine - Matt. 5:16 I hold you all in my heart but know that Katie is once again singing, smiling, and at peace. My prayers are with all who loved her and will miss her.
Love - Coach Soo Mullen
I appreciate the music that Katie leaves as a part of her legacy, and the memories for those that she touched. I did not know her personally, but I'm grateful to have crossed paths with her when I did.
My prayers go out to her family and friends.
My thoughts and prayers go out to Katie's family. I went to high school with Katie and she was an amazing person to know.
I am soooo sorry to hear of this loss. I have seen her perform live and loved her positive attitude and smile and great music. What a loss. I will keep the family and loved one in my thoughts and prayers. Her music lives on......
i went to church with katie, karen and the boys at king ave umc in columbus. she was always smiling and had such a beautiful voice. she'll be missed on earth, but i'm thankful that she is singing again for God now and in no pain!
I am nine years old...I met Katie when I was five. I gave her rocks on stage. I went to see her when ever I could. I hope her family does well, she has two kids and Karen. She will be missed in this world because she was nice and sweet and a great singer. Love, Kylie (from Yellow Springs)
I don't know Katie Reider and I don't know her music (except for one song on the website).
I don't know the author of the 500kin website. But I do know that that author is a person of remarkable courage and devotion. Their telling of Katie's harrowing saga is stunning, amazing, and deeply, deeply sad.
Thank you for your honesty and bravery. By letting us know of Katie's pain and difficult last years, in all their detail, you have brought even this total stranger, close to her and her humanity.
Be strong.
I heard your life on earth was troubled
And only you could know the pain
You weren't afraid to face the devil
You were no stranger to the rain
Go rest high on that mountain
Girl, your work on earth is done
Go to heaven a shoutin'
Love for the Father and the Son
Oh, how we cried the day you left us
We gathered 'round your grave to grieve
I wish I could see the angels' faces
When they hear your sweet voice sing
Go rest high on that mountain
Girl, your work on earth is done
Go to heaven a shoutin'
Love for the Father and the Son
My heartfelt prayers go to all of Katie's family. I was her brother Andy's kindergarten teacher at CHCA and was blessed to know her mom and dad, too. I heard Katie sing at Crossroads. She certainly sang like an angel and her songs will live in our hearts forever. May God give all of Katie's family an extra measure of strength during this time. I will continue to pray for all of you!
I'm so sorry for your loss, my thoughts and prayers to her family and friends.
fxAlthough I went to high school with Katie, it wasn't until my Senior year that I really got to know her (she has since graduated)...Over those several months that I spent working and playing with her, Katie and I had the opportunity to grow in a close friendship bond. Both of us hadn wounds and both needed healing. I know that she provided me with healing and growth, and I like to think that I provided help for her as well.
Katie held a special place in my heart that summer and forever since. While I have not been good at keeping up with her, there will forever be a "hole" where she once stood. I often think of how things would have been had I taken a different path, but what I do know is that God put us together for that summer for a reason. My prayers continue to be with Karen and the kids, and it is my hope that when I meet my maker, Katie is there to great me in heaven.
The world has lost a great person, but heaven has gained an enormous gem. Katie, you will be missed, but we will see you again soon.
Katie, when I pass through those gates I'll be ready and waiting for you to stick your finger up my nose! You are such an inspiration and beautiful soul and I'm better for having known you. Thank you for all the beauty you left here on earth!
Katie's story is truly touching. I found myself crying at work while I read it. I was able to see her perform once with Lauren in Cincinnati and I am so glad that I did. Thank you Katie.
I saw her perform once in a very small concert at WVXU. What a voice, what a personality, what a beauty, what a vibrant light has gone out. She will be missed.
My thoughts and prayers are with the family. May you all find a way to lessen the pain of living without her presence, but know that she is no longer in pain.
Best of luck and God bless.
I hope this poem helps all of you as it helps me in times like this...
When Life Starts Without Me
When tomorrow starts without me, and I'm not there to see;
If the sun should rise and find your eyes filled with tears for me;
I wish so much you wouldn't cry the way you did today,
While thinking of the many things we didn't get to say.
I know how much you love me, as much as I love you,
And each time you think of me I know you'll miss me too;
But when tomorrow starts without me, please try to understand,
That an angel came and called my name and took me by the hand,
And said my place was ready in heaven far above.
and that I'd have to leave behind all those I dearly love.
But as I turned to walk away a tear fell from my eye,
For all life, I'd always thought I didn't want to die.
I had so much to live for and so much yet to do,
It seemed almost impossible that I was leaving you.
I though of all the yesterdays, the good ones and the bad,
I thought of all the love we shared and all the fun we had.
If I could relive yesterday, I thought for just a while,
I'd say goodbye and kiss you and maybe see you smile....
When tomorrow starts without me, don't think we're far apart.
for every time you think of me, I'm right here in your heart.
-Riki Vasani
What a beautiful and courageous artist and human being - it is a blessing to know her and carry her spirit forward.
Katie's spirit and music will live on in those who knew and loved her. And as a beautiful inspiration to the rest of us...
Very sad stuff. I saw her perform years ago in Columbus, I'm pretty sure. May God bless her family.
I miss you Katie.
I'll never forget our time together growing up.
I saw Katie many years ago at the 20th Century Theater in Cincinnati. A very special talent.
Our thoughts and prayers are with her family & friends.
Photos from the Columbus Memorial Service at Goodale Park are here:
Katie was absolutely a great singer, songwriter, and musician. She will be missed!
I knew of Katie and her music locally in Cincinnati when she was just getting started.
I have great memories of her and the band playing at York Street Cafe across the Ohio river from Cincinnati on January 19, 2001. Katie was kind enough to allow her show with the band to be videotaped from start to finish (1:30 a.m. January 20, 2001). The music video/audio was mailed to Katie's hometown residence with her written permission in 2001.
Lauren, thanks a million! Katie's nine songs for $1 to help her family in her time of need is wonderful.
God Bless!
Katie's Services:
Website where details will be found in the days to come is http://www.crossroads.net
Some details as of 7/18/2008 per contact at Crossroads Church:
Services are at 11 a.m. EDT, July 26, 2008; length of service is 1 to 1-1/2 hours. Atrium doors open at 7 a.m., EDT. Auditorium doors open at 10:45 a.m. EDT. (Seating capacity 3,500)
I am very sad that Katie has passed. My heart, thoughts and prayers go out to her family. I cannot even imagine the pain they must be feeling. My heart aches for them.
I didn't know Katie personally, but I am big fan of her voice, her music and her positive personality. I always will be.
Her story has touched my life in a way that is hard to describe. It makes me appreciate life and what I have in this life. Her story has made me take the time to evaluate who and what is truely important. It has made me realize that you never know what is going happen from one day to the next.
I know her spirit and her voice will live on in this world.
I came across Katie's story on You Tube. My thoughts and prayer's go out to her family. She has an amazing voice. My son had the same type of tumor as Katie. His IMT was inside of his heart. He has had 3 open heart surgeries and one year of chemotherapy.
Amy Waggoner
i just enjoyed the first really good spring drive of 2010 today, with the windows down, the music up, and a silly grin plastered across my face as the world triumphantly emerged yet again from the freeze.
what better soundtrack to accompany the thaw than the music of the katie reider band...
missing you always.
and thanks.
She's beautiful.Just bookmarked your site, thanks for sharing! roof repairs melbourne
That was really difficult for her and for her loved ones. But she's now at peace. I know it's really hard to accept something like that. But sometimes, we really have to let go. electronic cigarettes detroit
Wherever Katie is I I know she's happy because she knows there lots of people who loves her so much. Although, we will miss her she's still in our hearts and always in our hearts. Virility EX
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